
In this guide you will learn what is site settings and sub site settings

General Setting

  • Go to Admin Dashboard->Site Settings->Settings->General Setting.

Here, you will be able to change General Settings like Project Title, Website URL, Logo (200 * 63), Favicon (32 * 32), LiveTV icon(200 * 36), Currency Code, Currency Symbol, and Default email, etc.

SEO Setting

  • Go to Admin dashboard->Site Settings->Settings->SEO Setting.

Here, you will be able to change SEO Setting like Author name, Metadata Description, Metadata keywords, Google Analytics, and Facebook Pixel.

API Setting

  • Go to Admin dashboard-> Site Settings->Settings->API Setting

Here, you will be able to change API Setting like Youtube API, Vimeo API, Google Captcha, Payment Gateway, and Other API.

How to Get a YouTube API Key

  1. Log in to Google Developers Console.

  2. Create a new project.

  3. On the new project dashboard, click Explore & Enable APIs.

  4. In the library, navigate to YouTube Data API v3 under YouTube APIs.

  5. Enable the API.

  6. Create a credential.

  7. A screen will appear with the API key.

How to Get Google reCaptcha Site and Secret key

  1. Visit Google reCaptcha home and click My reCAPTCHA button.

  2. Register application by choosing reCAPTCHA type.

  3. Copy the Site key and Secret key created for the registered application.

How to Create Your Own TMDB API Key

  1. Go to the TMDB website and sign up for a free account.

  2. Once you are logged in, click your Profile Icon in the top right corner and then select Settings.

  3. On the left side menu click API and then click Create in the middle of your screen.

  4. Fill out this form asking you for your address, phone number, and other information. You can use real information. At the end of this screen when you submit the information, you will be given a TMDB API Key.

Mail Setting

  • Go to Admin dashboard-> Site Settings->Settings->Mail Setting

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