General Setting

HTTP 500 Error?

This error show due to

if still get issue then make debug true and check error. Debug Mode Enable Process

Reset/Forgot Password Show Error?

Reset password, Login and Register error show due to you forget to add mail details in the mail settings.

Payment Gateways Show Error?

You get Payment Getaways error due to Check Currency Check Mail Settings and Currency Code.

All price and coupons create from NextHour Admin Panel. Payment Gateways not support $0 price it's need at least $1. Don' Forget To ENABLE Payment Gateways After Enter Api. If Showing Error Check Currency Code In Multipal Currency.

Note : All your test complete then make Payment Gateway to live mode, Payment Gateway Sandbox Mode user and price not support to live mode.

New User Registration Or Login Show Error?

Reset password, Login and Register error show due to you forget to add mail details in the mail settings.

if still get issue then make debug true and check error. Debug Mode Enable Process

How to PHP increase upload file size limit? and File Uploading Issue

Its Required for Large File upload Increase it as per your files size. Find file php.ini then find


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The Web Site Just Showing a Blank White Page

Blank white screen due to you give space in app name and mail from the name. Go to .env file and remove space and special characters in the app name and mail from the name.

Contact Page, Map Shows "development purpose only"

we can not change Google Map that says "for development only". Google Maps is no longer free. You have to associate a credit card so that you can get billed if your site has requests that exceed the $200 credit they give you monthly for free. That is why you get the watermarked maps. For more information, see:

Mix Content Error

Use SSL setting Full mode and make sure SSL is installed properly in your VPS or Server.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a technology that is used to establish a secure connection between a web server and a web browser. It is designed to ensure that data transmitted between the server and the browser is secure and cannot be intercepted by third parties.

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Email Template Location

Go to resources -> view -> email

Placeholder / Demo Images

Demo data refers to sample or placeholder data that is used for demonstration or testing purposes. It is used to show how eClass LMS works, or to test the functionality of a eClass LMS or mobile application.

Any media – Images, icons or logos used in previews are not included in this item and you need to contact authors to get permission in case you want to use them in your commercial or non-commercial projects. Read help file for more details after you purchase the template. in demo content we also use placeholder images.

How to create PHP file info

phpinfo(); is a built-in PHP function that outputs information about the PHP environment, configuration settings, and modules. This information can be useful for troubleshooting and understanding the PHP environment of a server or website. It can be used to check the version of PHP installed, as well as the values of various PHP settings, such as memory limits and file upload limits. It's important to note that, it is not recommended to use this function on a live website, as it will reveal sensitive information about the server, such as the version of PHP and installed extensions. It's recommended to use it only in the development environment for troubleshooting purposes.

Login to your Cpanel/Plesk/FTP - > go to /public folder -> create new file phpinfo.php ->

Enter the following code in the text field:


save file

then go visit your phpinfo.php file. You can do this by entering in the browser

How to create a movie, TV-series in the Next hour?

If you want to create a movie, TV-series then you need to create a menu, genre, actor, and director as you want.

create a movie or tv series in 2 types one is By TMDB and the second one is Custom. If you want to create a movie by TMDB then filled the details of TMDB in Site Settings->Settings->API setting->TMDB API key. In this only some detail you fill then like title, video URL than other details filled by automatically according to TMDB API. If you want to create a movie or tv-series by custom then filled all details.

In tv-series where I can upload a video and URL?

You create tv-series then a season and then an episode. In the episode part, you can add videos there once you explore the episode section you will get it.

🧠Note: If you create only the tv-series not create the season and episode the Tv-series not displayed on the home page. If you create tv-series and season but not create episode then play button not work.

How many types of URLs insert into movies and TV series?

In our script 6 types of video URLs to insert in the movies and the Episode.

1) Iframe URL:- In this use embedded URL 2) YouTube URL:- In this section firstly go to admin dashboard->Site Settings->setting in API Setting add YouTube API key then select/add a video. 3) Vimeo URL:- In this section firstly go to admin dashboard->Site Settings->setting in API Setting add Vimeo API key then select/add a video. 4) Custom URL/Vimeo URL/YouTube URL:- This section you are used a custom URL like upload a video on YouTube or Vimeo or m3u8 URL and paste that URL link in this section. 5) Multi-quality Custom URL and URL Upload:- In this section, you used an upload URL Link and also upload a video. 6) Upload URL:- In this section, you can upload the video.

How many types of URLs insert into Live TV in the Next hour?

In our script 2 types of video URLs to insert in Live TV.

1) iframe URL:- In this use embedded URL 2) Custom URL/Vimeo URL/YouTube URL:- This section you are used a custom URL like upload a video on YouTube or Vimeo and paste that live URL link in this section.

Live URL is also known as HLS URL.

How to validate the .m3u8 and HLS URL in the Next hour?

Please validate yours .m3u8 URL from here👉

Your streaming URL must be HTTPS-compatible, otherwise your stream may not play. Make sure CORS is enabled on the streaming server when using HLS and MPEG-DASH streams.

What is a Facebook pixel, how is it set up, and how to use it in the Next hour script?

  • go to admin dashboard->Site Settings->Setting->Seo Settings and paste the id in the Facebook pixel id.

Copy the Facebook pixel id and then

For setup steps here👉

Facebook pixel code that allows you to track visitor activity on your website.

What is Google Analytics, how is it set up, and how to use it in the Next hour script?

  • go to admin dashboard->Site Settings->Setting->Seo Settings and paste the id in the Google Analytics id.

Google Analytics allows you to track and understand your customer's behavior, user experience, online content, device functionality. For setup steps here 👇 Copy the Google Analytics id and then

What is Adsense, how is it set up, and how to use it in the Next hour script?

  • go to admin dashboard->Site Settings->Adsense Setting and paste the script code in it.

Google AdSense is a popular way for websites to make money from advertisements. For setup check out here 👇 Copy the script and then

What is Free Package?

Free Package is basically like a normal package system where users do not need to pay any amount.

Resume and Play and Chrome cast feature work in the Iframe URL and Embedded URL?

No, resume and play and Chromecast isn’t work in the Iframe URL section. Because In Embedded URL player is provided by a third-party or by embed service.

What are multiple screens and how it works?

🧠Note: Multiple screens do not work if users subscribe with Stripe Payment.

Multiple screens are basically screen sharing where you permit a single account to use this account on multiple locations at the same time. Suppose a package contains 4 screens It means that the account can be accessed on 4 devices at the same time Vice versa if the account has 1 screen means that it can access only on a single device. multiple screens work only on different-2 IP addresses and networks.

How to Upload a Facebook Video ?

Note: For watching facebook video's user must be login into a facebook from using device.


  1. Open Facebook on a desktop.

  2. Go to the video you want to embed.

  3. Click and select Embed. Bear in mind that you will only see this option if the video's audience is set to Public.

  4. Copy the code that appears and paste it on your website or web page.

To share things from Facebook on your website, you can embed a Public video. When you embed a video, only the video player will be included. To embed a video:

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