Update Process
New, improved, and fixed issues, replace older version and rock with the, latest and updated features. Here, is the detail of how to Update your Next Hour.
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New, improved, and fixed issues, replace older version and rock with the, latest and updated features. Here, is the detail of how to Update your Next Hour.
Last updated
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Any customizations in design and code please do not update.
Note: Before Update Take Backup of All Files and Database. Make a zip file and download all file, Go To PHPMyAdmin and select your database, and export it.
6.4 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
Note: go to your project directory->bootstrap->cache. Here, remove all cache files then update the script.
Use PHP Version: >= 8.2
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 6.5
6.3 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
Note: go to your project directory->bootstrap->cache. Here, remove all cache files then update the script.
Use PHP Version: >= 8.2
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 6.4
6.2 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
You successfully upgraded to version 6.3
6.1 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
6.0 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
Change auth_log To authentication_log
Add column user_agent in authentication_log table . Make it varchar(255), NULL. Note: You Can not Import tables, You need to create column manually.
5.9 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
Change auth_log To authentication_log
Add column user_agent in authentication_log table . Make it varchar(255), NULL. Note: You Can not Import tables, You need to create column manually.
5.8 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
Change auth_log To authentication_log
Add column user_agent in authentication_log table . Make it varchar(255), NULL. Note: You Can not Import tables, You need to create column manually.
5.7 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
5.6 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
5.5 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
5.4 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
5.3 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
Note: go to your project directory->bootstrap->cache. Here, remove all cache files then update the script.
Use PHP Version: >= 8.1.13 & MySQL Version: >= 10.4.24
5.2 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
Note: go to your project directory->bootstrap->cache. Here, remove all cache files then update the script.
Use PHP Version: >= 8.1.13 & MySQL Version: >= 10.4.24
5.1 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
Note: go to your project directory->bootstrap->cache. Here, remove all cache files then update the script.
Use PHP Version: >= 8.0.2 & MySQL Version: >= 10.4.24
4.9/5.0 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
Use PHP Version: >= 8.0.2 & MySQL Version: >= 10.4.24
4.8/4.9 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
4.7 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
4.6 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
4.5 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
4.4 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
4.3 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
in .env file replace CACHE_DRIVER=file with CACHE_DRIVER=array
4.2 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
4.1 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
4.0 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
3.4 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
3.3 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
3.0.1 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
After replacing the files successfully then open your.env file and paste the following code at the bottom
3.0 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
2.9 Version Required then Copy All files of folder and paste to your folder and replace files, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy .env file. Any user customizes design and code please do not update.
After replacing the files successfully then open your .env file and paste the following code at the bottom
First Update Script to 2.8 then copies all files of the folder and paste to your folder replace the file, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy the .env file. The Database needs some columns and tables.
Create New Tables custom_pages, home_blocks,menu_sections, multiple_links, multiplescreens, sessions Note: You Can Import Table From Database -> Old Users Update nexthourupdate_2.9.sql.
Remove Tables header_translation, footer_translation, popover_translation, multiplescreens.
Create New Tables custom_pages, home_blocks,menu_sections, multiple_links, multiplescreens, sessions Note: You Can Import Table From Database -> Old Users Update nexthourupdate_2.9.sql.
Remove Tables header_translation, footer_translation, popover_translation, multiplescreens.
Add uc_browser column in buttons table. Make column datatype tinyint (1), not nullable. Default 1.
Add type column in videolinks table. Make column datatype varchar(199), nullable. Default NULL.
Add user_id column in comments table. Make column datatype int(11), not nullable. Default None.
Add razorpay_payment column in configs table. Make column datatype tinyint(1), not nullable. Default 1.
Add livetvicon column in configs table. Make column datatype varchar(255), nullable. Default NULL.
Add user_id column in movie_comments table. Make column datatype int(11), not nullable. Default none.
Add pkg_id column in package_menu table. Make column datatype int(11), not nullable. Default none.
Add player_google_analytics_id column in player_settings table. Make column datatype varchar(199), nullable. Default NULL.
Add subtitle_font_size column in player_settings table. Make column datatype int(13), nullable. Default NULL.
Add subtitle_color column in player_settings table. Make column datatype varchar(199), nullable. Default NULL.
Add ep_id column in subtitles table. Make column datatype int(11), nullable. Default NULL.
Add position column in genres table. Make column datatype int(11),not nullable. Default none. Edit name column in genres table. Make column Unique Key.
Add livetvicon column in movies table. Make column datatype tinyint(1),nullable. Default NULL. Edit rating column in movies table. Make column datatype Double(8,2), Not NULL.
Add in .env file:-
First Update Script to 2.7 then Copy All files of the folder and paste to your folder replace the file, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder, don't copy the file. The database needs some columns and tables.
Edit created_at, updated_at column in package_menu table. Make column datatype timestamp and keep length field empty. Make column nullable, default NULL.
Note: You need to edit it manually.
Create New Tables cps_cpp Note: You Can Import Table From Database -> Old Users Update nexthourupdate_2.8.sql.
First Update Script to 2.6 then Copy All files of the folder and paste them to your folder replace the file, only be careful when replacing files in the public folder. The database needs some columns and tables.
Create New Tables user_ratings, watch_histories, movie_comments, movie_subcomments, jobs, cp_cp_callback_addresses, cp_cp_conversions, cp_cp_deposits, cp_cp_ipns, cp_cp_log, cp_cp_mass_withdrawals, cp_cp_transactions, cp_cp_transfers, cp_cp_withdrawals, comments, subcomments, blogs. Note: You Can Import Table From Database -> Old Users Update nexthourupdate_2.7.sql.
Add is_blocked column in users table. Make column datatype tinyint(1), nullable. Default 0.
Add age column in users table. Make column datatype int(11), nullable. Default 0.
Add biography datatype long text, place_of_birth datatype medium text, DOB datatype date columns in actors table. Make column nullable. Default NULL.
Add biography datatype long text, place_of_birth datatype medium text, DOB datatype date columns in directors table. Make column nullable. Default NULL.
Add upload_video column in movies table. Make column datatype varchar(100). Make column nullable, default NULL.
Add live column in movies table. Make column datatype tinyint. Make column nullable, default 0.
Add thumbnail column in episodes table. Make column datatype varchar(200). Make column nullable, default NULL.
In Header Translation's table insert four rows The Key Column in first row is Free Trail, second is Free Trail Text, third is watch
In Popover Translation's table insert one row The Key Column in first row is Download. Then click on Insert. Keep the value fields NULL.
In home Translation's table insert three rows The Key Column in first row is Actor DOB, second is Actor Place Of Birth, third is TMDB Rating and keep the status 1. Then click on Insert. Keep the value fields NULL.
Add upload_video, iframeurl, ready_url, url_360, url_480, url_720, url_1080 column in video_links table. Make column datatype LONGTEXT and keep length field emoty. Make column nullable, default NULL.
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 6.2
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 6.1
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 6.0
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 5.9
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 5.8
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 5.7
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 5.6
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 5.5
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 5.4
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 5.3
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 5.2
Note: go to your project directory->bootstrap->cache. Here, remove all cache files then update the script.
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 5.1
Note: go to your project directory->bootstrap->cache. Here, remove all cache files then update the script. Use PHP Version: >= 8.0.2 & MySQL Version: >= 10.4.24
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 4.9/5.0
Note: go to your project directory->bootstrap->cache. Here, remove all cache files then update the script.
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 4.8
Note: go to your project directory->bootstrap->cache. Here, remove all cache files then update the script.
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 4.7
Note: go to your project directory->bootstrap->cache. Here, remove all cache files then update the script.
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 4.6
Note: go to your project directory->bootstrap->cache. Here, remove all cache files then update the script.
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 4.5
Note: go to your project directory->bootstrap->cache. Here, remove all cache files then update the script.
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 4.4
Note: go to your project directory->bootstrap->cache. Here, remove all cache files then update the script.
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 4.3
Note: go to your project directory->bootstrap->cache. Here, remove all cache files then update the script.
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 4.2
Note: go to your project directory->bootstrap->cache. Here, remove all cache files then update the script.
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 4.1
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 4.0
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 3.4.
then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then go to yourdomain.com/existing/installation/. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public/existing/installation/, then fill your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 3.3
After replacing the files successfully then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then click on I'm Existing user, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 3.0.1
then go to yourdomain.com. If your domain contains public then go to yourdomain.com/public. If you are an existing user then click on I'm Existing user, then fill in your domain name and purchase code check the agreement box, and click on update. After the update is completed you will be redirected to your domain with a successful update message.
You successfully upgraded to version 3.0
Note: You can not Import columns, you need to create them manually.
Note: Please make sure you select PHP version 7.2.
You successfully upgraded to version 2.9
Note: Please make sure you select PHP version 7.2.
You successfully upgraded to version 2.8
Note: You Can not Import Columns, You need to create them manually.
You successfully upgraded to version 2.7