Installation Steps

Learn how to install Next Hour.

Installation steps NextHour

As our product is a power pack with such huge numbers of highlights, here our installment goes with a simple process and gets finished in just 8 steps. Fill in all the information carefully. Here, you can check out the demo content of installation with detailed screenshots :

Installing the project is very easy and you'll be able to install it without any coding knowledge. The installation process included three major steps:

Step1 : Before start upload and extract file.

To extract files in cPanel, you can use the File Manager tool. Here's how you can extract files from an archive using cPanel's File Manager:

  1. Login to cPanel: Access your cPanel account by visiting the URL provided by your web hosting provider and entering your credentials.

  2. Navigate to File Manager: Look for the File Manager icon in the cPanel dashboard and click on it. It is usually located in the "Files" section.

  3. Select the Directory: In the File Manager, navigate to the directory where you want to extract the files. You can click on folders to open them and navigate through the directory structure.

  4. Upload the Archive: If the archive file is not already present in the directory, click on the "Upload" button in the File Manager's toolbar. Use the file upload feature to select and upload the archive file from your local computer to the server.

  5. Extract the Files: Once the archive file is uploaded, locate it in the directory and select it by clicking on it. You should see options in the File Manager's toolbar, including an "Extract" option. Click on the "Extract" button to initiate the extraction process.

  6. Choose Extraction Options: A dialog box will appear asking for extraction options. You can choose the extraction destination, whether to preserve the directory structure within the archive, and other options. Make your selections and click on the "Extract Files" button to start the extraction process.

Step2 : Create MySQL database, add a user to it with full permissions.

To create a MySQL database in cPanel using the database wizard:

  1. Log in to your cPanel account.

  2. In the "Databases" section, click on "MySQL Databases"

  3. In the "New Database" field, enter the name you want to give to your new database and click on "Create Database"

  4. In the "Add a New User" fields, enter a username and password for your new database and click on "Create User". Don't use # in Database Password string.

  5. In the "Add User to a Database" section, select the new user and the new database you just created, then click on "Add"

  6. In the "Manage User Privileges" section, choose the privileges you want to assign to the user for the specific database, then click on "Make Changes". Give user Full Privilege.

  7. Your new MySQL database is now created and ready to use. You can use this new database to store your data and use it for your website or application.

It's important to note that, you should set a strong and unique password for the user and keep it secure, also you should back up your data regularly to prevent data loss. Don't use # in the Database Password string.

Step 3: Add database details :

Database Host = localhost 
Database Port = 3306 
Database Name = your_database_name 
Database User = your_database_user_name 
Database Password = your_database_password

Once you've added your database details to project, Project will automatically use these credentials to connect to your database when you run database-related commands or interact with your database in your code.

Add manually database detils via .env file

To add database details manually via the .env file in a Laravel application, follow these steps:

  • Locate the .env File: The .env file is located in the root directory of your Laravel project. Use a text editor to open the file.

  • Find the Database Configuration Section: Look for the section in the .env file that contains the database configuration variables. It typically starts with DB_.

  • Set Database Connection Details: Update the values of the following variables to match your database configuration:

  • DB_CONNECTION: Specifies the database connection driver. For MySQL, use mysql.

  • DB_HOST: Specifies the database server hostname or IP address. (default is localhost or

  • DB_PORT: Specifies the port number on which the database server is running (default is 3306 for MySQL).

  • DB_DATABASE: Specifies the name of the database you want to connect to.

  • DB_USERNAME: Specifies the username for accessing the database.

  • DB_PASSWORD: Specifies the password for the database user.

  • Save the Changes: Save the .env file after updating the database configuration.

Step 4: Server Requirements.

Step 5: Please verify the domain with purchase code:

Find Purchase Code : Verify your purchase code and make site working.

to run installation use :

Installation video or step by step Installation process:


Note : If showing an error 500 then check error via debug true:

Note : If showing an error 500 in reset password, New User Registration and Payment Gateways then must check your mail setting. Reset password, New User Registration , and Payment Gateways error show due to you forget to add mail details or wrong mail details. also check error via debug true:

The Web Site Just Showing a Blank White Page Blank white screen due to you give space in app name and mail from the name. Go to .env file and remove space and special characters in the app name and mail from the name.

For more Installation FAQ's :

🔐Login as Admin

After, successfully installation then you can login as admin
Default Login Details: 
Password: 123456

Last updated

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