App Deployment
You will get a project of app after extracting downloaded files
Android App Installation
You have to install Android Studio or VS code.
Than make sure you have installed flutter sdk in your system.
Import project in Android Studio or VS Code
Run command "flutter pub get"
Run command "flutter clean"
Make sure you have connected to android device or AVD.
Than go to inside project directory\lib\common\apipath.dart
Enter your domain url eg:
Click Play button or run command "flutter run"
You can change your app icon from directory android\app\src\main\res
For generate these icons of different size use website For this you need to upload you icon of size 1536 X 1536
Your project is running now
To change your app package name
Run this command to change the package name.
is the new package name that you want for your app. replace it with any name you want
Change your app name ctrl+shift+F to find nexthour than ctrl+shift+R to replace it with your app name
Add your Admob API key at the path android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
Create a Login with Amazon API key for Android.
Create a text file located at
Copy-paste the contents of the API key from the Login with Amazon console into the file
To Change Your Domain Link
Go to lib -> common -> apipath.dart
To Add Secret key in APP
Go to lib -> common -> apipath.dart static const String secretKey = "ENTER_API_SECRET_KEY";
Next Hour App Deploy Video :
To Change Your Launcher icon
Go to android-> app-> src-> main ->res
One Signal APP Id
Go to lib -> common -> apipath.dart
Play Google Drive Video
Go to lib -> common -> apipath.dart
Facebook APP ID
Go to android -> app -> src -> main -> res -> values -> strings.xml
Go to android -> app -> src -> main -> AndroidManifest.xml
better_player isssue
Package better_player: 0.0.83 had some issues and we have fixed the issues so that we could use the package in our Flutter Projects. This is why, it is must to follow and apply the given steps -
Extract zip file named inside project root directory (Nexthour Mobile App Flutter Files),
Open pubspec.yaml file,
Replace better_player: 0.0.83 with better_player: path: local/better_player-0.0.83
Now you may run App Project.
NOTE : If you get any problem after deploying your app , must read TROUBLESHOOT
Last updated