Installation FAQ's
Remove Public From URL
To remove the public from the URL create a .htaccess file in the root folder and write following code.
To remove the public from URL and Force HTTPS redirection create a .htaccess file in the root folder and write the following code.
For more detail read article :
Hide or Denied Access .env
To Hide or Denied Access .env and create .htaccess file in the root folder and write the following code.
Debug Mode?
Debug mode will help you to track the error on your website. It is not all preferred to turn the debug mode on live site for a very long time.
How to turn to debug mode on
Login to your FTP account.
Open and edit
Save and upload the file.
means debug mode is OFF
means debug mode is ON
419 Error
Make sure php version 8.2.4 and use all following PHP settings. It shows due to the session not save.
No Application Encryption key has been specified
To solve this issue you will have to check APP_KEY which is located within your . env (environment) file. don't change or remove it. also check .env file not missing.
.env missing
Most of times .env file not missing its just hide , so please make sure its not hide.
cPanel show files Quick Steps:
Log into cPanel & click “File Manager” under the files panel.
Click “settings” in the top right of the file manager.
Choose the Document Root (usually you can leave this as the default)
Check the box titled “Show Hidden Files (dotfiles) & click Save.
MYSQL or Database not creating table
Please check database privilege. it must be ALL PRIVILEGES. if you don't know how to give it please contact to hosting provider.
Class 'ZipArchive' not found
You are getting this error because you don't enable a zip archive extension on your server. enable zip archive extension and issue will resolved. if you don't know how to enable it please contact to hosting provider. its not script related error.
curl_init error
You are getting this error because you don't enable a curl extension on your server. enable curl e extension and issue will resolved. if you don't know how to enable it please contact to hosting provider. its not script related error.
To Enable cURL Using EasyApache on WHM:
Log in to WHM as the 'root' user.
Either search for "EasyApache" or go to Software > EasyApache
Scroll down and select a build option (Previously Saved Config)
Click Start "Start customizing based on profile"
Select the version of Apache and click "Next Step".
Select the version of PHP and click "Next Step".
Chose additional options within the "Short Options List"
Click Exhaustive Options List.
Find and select the option for cURL.
Click curl, and then click Save and build.
404 error
404 means file not fount, its not script issue.
Check port 80
Check all files extracted properly.
Check folder permissions as mentioned :
If still get issue contact to your hosting provider, its not script related issue.
403 error
Your user who did not get permission. So you edit the user and then update
Payload error
Please check File and folder permissions for Shared Hosting
public_html 775 (public_html folder is root folder in shared hosting)
if using subdomain then Subdomain folder 775
File and folder permissions for VPS
/bootstrap 777 /public 777 /storage 777 /public/images 777 /public/config.txt 777 .env 777
Last updated