Installation FAQ's
This page provides you complete information about the errors if you facing and how to deal with them.
Remove Public From URL
To remove the public from the URL create a .htaccess file in the root folder and write following code.
To remove the public from URL and Force HTTPS redirection create a .htaccess file in the root folder and write the following code.
For more detail read article :
NOTE: Remove Public not work for Localhost and sub folders.
Its work with any domain and subdomain only.
In this guide you will know how to remove public from url. To Remove public from url your server must have enabled the mod_rewrite. header to check whether it's enabled or not you can run following and check according to screenshot
Remove Public From URL for LightSpeed Server
To remove the public from the URL in LightSpeed Server -> create a .htaccess file in the root folder and write following code.
To remove the public from URL and Force HTTPS redirection in LightSpeed Server -> create a .htaccess file in the root folder and write the following code.
In sometimes script error can be occur either temporary or permanently and you do not know how to deal with them.
Internal Server 500 Error
This error can be occur due to syntax mistake or any programmatic mistake. whenever this type of error occurs you will see logs also in red color textarea. You can report us error with screenshot and logs and it will quickly fixed via OTA Updates into your application.
Debug Mode?
Debug mode will help you to track the error on your website. It is not all preferred to turn the debug mode on live site for a very long time.
To turn on app_debug you need to go to Admin / Site Settings / General settings and turn on the app debug toggle.
In case you cannot access this settings login to your server and go to project directory and find .env file and edit it and find APP_DEBUG on top and change its value from false to true.
How to turn to debug mode on
Login to your FTP account.
Open and edit
Save and upload the file.
means debug mode is OFF true
means debug mode is ON
If you have error like above screenshot you need to check following
Please make sure you select PHP version 8.2.4 and MYSQL version should be 5.7+ and below settings should match :
max_exeuction_time : 300 ✅ memory_limit : -1 or 2G ✅ post_max_size : 2G ✅ upload_max_size : 2G ✅
If you want to know how to update following settings headover to here :
Server RequirementsJSON_EXTRACT Error
If your database server type is MYSQL then version should be 5.7.33+
If your database server type is Maria DB then version should be 10.4.+
Reset / Forgot Password Show Error?
Your mail settings is not properly you need to check here
Mail settingsPaypal error 401
Paypal error can be occur due to invalid keys settings you saved in Payment settings -> Paypal tab or you're testing not supported currency in paypal sandbox such as INR.
Login Access blocked error
At the time of login if you encounter the warning Login access blocked then make sure the user role your account have must have permission of Login. IF not then edit the role from admin and update the permission.
Social login not working
Social login is not working either your callback url is not match or keys is not valid.
Contact Page, Map Shows " development purpose only"
We can not change Google Map that says "for development only". Google Maps is no longer free. You have to associate a credit card so that you can get billed if your site has requests that exceed the $200 credit they give you monthly for free. That is why you get the watermarked maps. For more information, see:
Best picture sizes to be use all through the project ?
Favicon - 32 x 32px
Logo - 200 x 96px
Main Slider - 1247 x 520px
Advertisement Two non-equal - 820 x 300px , 396 x 303px Three equal - 395 x 395px Two equal - 610 x 342px
Blog - 384 x 400px
Hide or Denied Access .env
To Hide or Denied Access .env and create .htaccess file in root folder and write following code.
Debug Mode
If you face any 500 error you can follow following docs to show error logs.
419 Page Expired error
In some cases you may meet the unwanted error call 419 page expired to resolve this issue either you can go back to previous page and perform the same operation you're doing or even after tried it out again and again you can do below solution.
Make sure php version 8.2.4 and use all following PHP setting. Its show due to session not save.
404 - error or directory not found
If your application is showing home page only and rest routes showing 404 error then it's due to your apache configuration. A 404 error is an HTTP status code that indicates that a requested web page or resource cannot be found on a server. 404 means file not fount, its not script issue. This can happen for a number of reasons, including:
Check port 80
Check all files extracted properly.
Check folder permissions as mentioned
Incorrect URL
The server is down
The main error behind this error is header is not enabled. If still you are experiencing an 404, you should contact your hosting provider or web administrator to troubleshoot the problem and find a solution. They will be able to examine the server logs to determine the cause of the error and take appropriate action. its not script related issue.
No Application Encryption key has been specified
To solve this issue you will have to check APP_KEY which is located within your . env (environment) file. don't change or remove it. also check .env file not missing.
.env missing
Most of times .env file not missing its just hide , so please make sure its not hide.
cPanel show files Quick Steps:
Log into cPanel & click “File Manager” under the files panel.
Click “settings” in the top right of the file manager.
Choose the Document Root (usually you can leave this as the default)
Check the box titled “Show Hidden Files (dotfiles) & click Save.
Internal server error & 500 Server error
An internal server error is a general term used to describe a problem that occurs when a server is unable to process a request from a client. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as a problem with the server's or hardware, a misconfigured server, or an issue with the client's request.
When an internal server error occurs, the server will typically return a message indicating that there was an error and that the request could not be fulfilled. This message is often accompanied by an error code, such as "500 Internal Server Error."
Some Solution :
Please check the .htaccess file configuration.
Check PHP version 8.2.4
Check port 80
Check all files extracted properly specially vendor folder.
Check folder permissions as mentioned :
Exceeding server resources
Corrupted server files
If still you are experiencing an internal server error, you should contact your hosting provider or web administrator to troubleshoot the problem and find a solution. They will be able to examine the server logs to determine the cause of the error and take appropriate action. its not script related issue.
MYSQL or Database not creating table
Please check database privilege. it must be ALL PRIVILEGES. if you don't know how to give it please contact to hosting provider.
Class 'ZipArchive' not found
You are getting this error because you don't enable a zip archive extension on your server. enable zip archive extension and issue will resolved. if you don't know how to enable it please contact to hosting provider. its not script related error.
curl_init error
You are getting this error because you don't enable a curl extension on your server. enable curl e extension and issue will resolved. if you don't know how to enable it please contact to hosting provider. its not script related error.
To Enable cURL Using EasyApache on WHM:
Log in to WHM as the 'root' user.
Either search for "EasyApache" or go to Software > EasyApache
Scroll down and select a build option (Previously Saved Config)
Click Start "Start customizing based on profile"
Select the version of Apache and click "Next Step".
Select the version of PHP and click "Next Step".
Chose additional options within the "Short Options List"
Click Exhaustive Options List.
Find and select the option for cURL.
Click curl, and then click Save and build.
403 error
A 403 error is an HTTP status code that indicates that the client (i.e. the user's browser) is not authorized to access the requested resource. This error message is often displayed when a user attempts to access a website or webpage that they do not have permission to view. Your user who did not get permission. So you edit the user role and then update
Certain users to access certain pages or sections. In this case, a 403 error message may be displayed if the user is not authorized to view the requested resource.
Payload error
A payload error in Laravel is typically caused by an issue with the data being passed to the server during an API request. This can be caused by a number of factors, including missing or incorrect data, invalid data types, or incorrect formatting of the data.
Please check File and folder permissions for Shared Hosting
public_html 775 (public_html folder is root folder in shared hosting)
if using subdomain then Subdomain folder 775
File and folder permissions for VPS
/bootstrap 777 /public 777 /storage 777 /public/images 777 /public/config.txt 777 .env 777
Could not find driver
The error message you provided, "could not find driver (SQL: select * from settings limit 1)", suggests that there is an issue with the database driver configuration in your server or cpanel.
Check Database Configuration:
Open the
file in your Laravel project and ensure that theDB_CONNECTION
parameter is set to the correct database driver (e.g.,mysql
).Verify Database Extension:
Ensure that the necessary PHP extensions for your chosen database are installed and enabled on your server. For example, if you're using MySQL, make sure the
extension is enabled.Check Database Connection:
Ensure that your database server is running and that the connection details in your
file (such asDB_HOST
) are correct.Restart Server:
After making any changes, it's a good idea to restart your server to apply the updates.
Verify PHP Version:
Make sure you're using a compatible PHP version for your Laravel version.
Database Permissions:
Check necessary permissions to access the database
Last updated