
The UTC time standard is determined by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) in Paris, France, using a network of atomic clocks located in different parts of the world. These clocks are used to determine the precise time and to adjust UTC for any discrepancies caused by the Earth's rotation. To represent UTC in a time format, the time is expressed in a 24-hour format with a four-digit time stamp. For example, 1:00 AM would be represented as 0100 and 1:00 PM would be represented as 1300. The time is sometimes followed by the letter "Z" to indicate that it is in UTC, such as 0100Z. Overall, UTC is a crucial time standard used worldwide for coordination, scheduling, and communication across different time zones.

Please Change the Timezone according to your region. Go to this file directory and replace the file at this location project-directory\config\app.php. The attached screenshot helps you.

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