App Code Setup
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Enter your domain link and keys in the app code Go to project directory-> lib-> common-> apidata.dart
Make your app icon from the below link and download the zip file. replace it at the path Go to project directory-> android-> app-> src-> main-> res
To Change your App Label Name
Go to project diretory/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
To change your app package name
ctrl+shift+F to find com.lolits.eclass than ctrl+shift+R to replace it with your app package name
Change your app keystore password from file
Go to android->
NOTE: This keystore password is just for example purpose. Create the keystore password according to your project.
To Create jks file for your app , run the command in the terminal
1. cd android 2. cd app 3. then run the command given below
NOTE: Before Run the above command ,check the appname.jks and appname in the command should be same as you created in file.
Add google-services.json file in the app code from firebase console
Change App Images
Go to project directory -> assets -> placeholder
Change App Logo
Go to project directory -> assets -> images
change logo.png [ 200 x60 px ] and logologin.png [ 300 x90 px ] image
Open your project folder in terminal and run this below commands
flutter clean
flutter pub get
After type “ cd ios ” in terminal this command take you in iOS directory of project then run this command “ pod install”.
After that go to the project and open iOS folder and open Runnerxcode.workspace file it will open a Xcode
Next step is to Go to file < workspace settings < select new build system.
After that navigate to product menu on top in Xcode, choose destination and select any simulator and run your project.
if project run properly then go back to terminal and run this command ‘flutter build ios’
after that goto same product menu and archive, this function will make a release apk
And you can release you app from archive menu and your app will be uploaded on.
NOTE: After running pub get, you must run the follow script to get Zoom SDK for the first time: